Friday, July 24, 2009


Tonight is the last night that I will officially live in Oklahoma City, OK. Tomorrow morning, we will load up our "stuff" and head to Southwest Oklahoma and the town of Mountain View. It is amazing how hard it is to move. We have had to go through and decide what we will take with us and what we will need to sell. That has been tougher than I expected.

We said goodbye for now to our church family at Faith Crossing on Sunday. It was sad and sweet at the same time. We were blessed by the sweetest prayer I have ever heard. I was sad because I had made some good friends in our time there and I will miss them.

I am a very sentimental person and I attach memories and feelings to places. This house is the house that has my memories of Jacob. I hate to leave just for that reason. I see him in so many rooms of this house so it has made me very emotional to think of leaving it. (And yes, I cry over the memories of every house I live in when I say goodbye to the house - don't judge me :)

So tomorrow marks a great change in my life. Thank you friends who have prayed for us during this three year journey. I'll keep you informed of our new life.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, my mother commented the other day, "You need to type a new blog!" So, as an obedient daughter, I am updating everyone on the happenings of the last week. On Sunday, July 12, the First Baptist Church of Mountain View, OK, called Brian to be their pastor. Since then, we have been involved in painting the parsonage, packing, preparing for a garage sale and having sick children. I wonder why it's taken me a few days to update my blog...hmm.

The church owns a very nice parsonage and we are looking forward to settling in to small town life. (We still need to sell our house, but at least we can go ahead and move without having to be separated.) There seem to be great opportunities for friendship and fellowship and best of all, there are several children around the same ages as our girls. It is kind of scary to be moving away from home and going where the closest WalMart Supercenter is 40 minutes away ;).

We plan to spend this next week finishing the painting we want to do (I have to have color on the walls) and getting ready for the garage sale on July 24 & 25. Brian's first official Sunday is August 2, 2009. We will spend the week before that moving and getting settled. It is a new adventure and we are looking forward to the things God has planned for us.

btw - we would love to have friends come and visit - only one and one-half hours from OKC.