Friday, May 28, 2010

A Single Footprint

Brian and I went to Destin a couple of weeks ago for a four day mini-vacation to celebrate our 15th anniversary. It's the first time we have gone on a vacation where our hotel had a private beach area. During our first walk along the beach I noticed that my footprint was there only until the first wave reached it. It made me think about the footprints I leave behind me. Will the marks I leave in the lives around me last? Or will they fade when the next wave of life hits them?

I want to make a lasting impression in the lives of those around me. I want God to use me to help those I am in contact with to have a permanent mark on their lives that results from a supernatural experience with God. Don't let your footprints fade away.

Monday, May 10, 2010


My parents were here on Saturday and my mom & I got to looking at some old pictures of the girls. I just love this picture of them together. I love the way Kadie is stroking Paige's head in this picture. Kadie loved her "Paisey-Poo" very much. They played together, ate together, and rested together. I sometimes forget how small and sweet they were. They seem so big and grown up now.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Spring has made it to SW Oklahoma! I'm enjoying the week of spring before summer. It never ceases to amaze me that we will long for 70 degree weather and then only get to enjoy it for a week or two before the weather turns hot. The girls and I were industrious in the fall and we now have beautiful hyacinths, tulips and daffies beginning to bloom. It's been so much fun. The girls will run out and check to see if there are new blooms a couple of times each day. I have to admit that I've been going out and looking, too.

The girls are loving life in Mountain View. They have joined a girls' softball team and are doing very well. This is the first time they've played it. They can't wait for the real games to start. This is a new chapter for Brian and I. We've never been able to let them participate in something like this before. I'm glad that they like to play and that they are making good friends.

I'm especially glad that spring has finally made it!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Loving This Life!

I love living in Oklahoma. I mean seriously...where else can you have 60 degree weather one day and a blizzard the next? (Christmas Eve) In January, we got at least 1.5 inches of ice, lost our electricity for a week and took an unplanned trip to Oklahoma City. Now, it looks like we will have even more snow in March. You just never know what tomorrow will be like.

I love not having a job! I have such a sense of relief now. My work now is to be wife, mommy, teacher and babysitter every Tuesday and Thursday for a sweet baby girl.

I love my children. Although, I want solitude at times, I enjoy being there for them. Kadie asks some very fun and insightful questions. Paige is always willing to give a hug and kiss.

I love getting to gear up for summer church activities. I am in charge of Vacation Bible School this year. It's weird to be planning for summer when it's 30 degrees out, but it's something to look forward to. We will be making a return to Falls Creek this year. Can't wait! And then there's the Free Fair to look forward to in August.

Most of all, I love my husband! Brian and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage on March 18. We made arrangements last night for a trip to the beach in Destin, FL. May can't get here quickly enough! I look forward to the next 15 years with him!