I don't know about you, but it seems that I find encouragement when I least expect it (but most need it). I was all set to feel sorry for myself today due to a combination of sleep deprivation and sadness. I get to PE with my girls and sit down for a quiet chat, all the while telling myself to be happy and enjoy the moment. After a bit, I had the opportunity to share a little about our current ministry situation and our desire to serve God by pastoring a church. Later, as I'm preparing to leave, I had the chance to speak to another mom who has been through a different type of trial after her husband's stroke. As I was talking with her, I was reminded that no matter what the circumstance, we can be assured that God is with us and has a plan for us.
I was about to walk out the door and another mom stopped to talk with me. At first, I started to feel sorry for myself again thinking, "Here is another person who wants to know how my sister and her family is doing, without a thought to the fact that I am grieving, too." (I have been reminding myself that no one does this to intentionally hurt me, they are just concerned for Tracy and that is where their focus is. I'm usually alright with this and let it roll off.) Then, as the conversation continued, she began asking about how things are for my husband. She let me know that she was consistently praying that God would lead us to our new church. Just as I get all ready to feel sorry for myself, someone has the nerve to encourage me! I'm so thankful when this happens. It's all part of the process of God keeping me from sinning in my grief. While I am finding it hard to sleep right now and nighttime is when I remember the sweetness of our Jacob and miss him, I can find comfort in the small things that God is doing to show me He is there.
11 months ago
I finally had some time to catch up with your blog....LOVE IT!! Is that picture from Branson off the back deck? *lol* Looks just like that view!